What is ATG PAC?

America The Great Political Action Committee (ATG PAC) is a not for profit 501 (c)(4) grassroots political organization whose mission is to act as a bridge between American Citizens and their elected government by supporting the candidates who uphold American values in local, state and federal levels.

Why Donate to ATG PAC?

To support the candidates who represent the leadership for the millennium and ensure the prosperity of this great country.

How does ATG PAC Make Decisions?

ATG PAC is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of ATG PAC members. Contributions and endorsements are made based on a candidate’s position on issues that are critical for families and their communities. 

How is ATG PAC Funded?

ATG PAC is supported solely by individual or corporate voluntary contributions. Contributions may be made in cash, checks, money orders or online donations and are not tax deductible.